Monday, December 27, 2010

Discuss how Modeling and Scaffolding affect in the child's learning porcess

Discuss how Modeling and Scaffolding affect in the child’s learning process.

                We are now in the 21st Century of teaching generation; therefore, it is a must that we teachers should be able to adopt the changing time. Modeling and Scaffolding are one of the strategies that our teaching system is following, through demonstrations and hands-on activities. Now, scaffolding is the process in which the help of a facilitator, parent, or even an advanced peer is the guide of a learner to learn at a certain level. It affects the learners learning process especially in acquiring new knowledge from the scaffold, moreover it also exhibits a great change in processing information, and for example, there is a greater chance to learn in a short span of time, because scaffolding promotes learning by doing. Thus, learning can be faster through scaffolding and modeling that these learning strategies use Direct Purposeful Experiences. On the other hand, in modeling, there is also what we call Latent Learning, in which a learner learns from a certain model by observing the characteristics and behaviors of the model. Learners learn by imitating the model and try to perform the actions of the model. It affects the learning of the learner because there can be a misinterpretation of the models action that may cause the model to follow. Child’s learning are clearly susceptible to change and may be affected through his understanding, that is why teachers role is to use these teaching styles appropriately to his/her students.

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